Thursday, 21 March 2013

Experimenting with embroidery

Over the last few weeks I've been experimenting with free machine embroidery, to add another element to my project. I've also discovered the joys of dissolvable fabric. Here are a few examples of what I've created....

Free machine embroidery on dissolvable fabric, combined with screen and foil printing.

Free machine embroidery and foiling.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Mark Making

Using the microscopic images as my inspiration, here are some of the images I produced using a variety of mark making techniques....

Drawing with card and feather and fine liner 

Studio session -  Using card and ink

Fun with a microscope

I've been busy researching and designing for my collection. Here's what I've been upto....

To add another element to my print collection, I wanted to get a closer look at leaves and feathers. A friend very kindly lent me her microscope and these are a few images I managed to produce....

Microscopic image of a feather
I love the line quality in this image
Microscopic image of a petal

Microscopic image of a skeletal leaf